Sometimes the smallest things can cause you pain. I had a nice example of this today. I’m still new to Objective C and find something new everyday. Was using a switch statement and had what at the time seemed like an odd little issue. I couldn’t seem to create variables and call methods. The error message I was getting back really wasn’t that helpful. Turns out it was as simple as surrounding the case statement calls in curly brackets. See below:
case 2: Alert *alert = [allAlerts objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; alertCell.textLabel.text =;//@"Date"; alertCell.detailTextLabel.text = @"Alert Message"; return alertCell; break;
case 2: { Alert *alert = [allAlerts objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; alertCell.textLabel.text =;//@"Date"; alertCell.detailTextLabel.text = @"Alert Message"; return alertCell; } break;
Yup all I need was those two curly brackets Now if only Xcode could have told me that! Yeah I know this isn’t a big thing, just think it’s funny how the small things can be such a pain at times and how knowing the syntax of a language really can be an advantage at times. I guess the moral of the story is that small things really do matter.